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Gomismta Resort Gets a New Road to Boost Tourism

The mountain resort of Gomismta in Guria, western Georgia, is set to become more accessible and attractive for tourists, thanks to the rehabilitation of the 21 km section of the Ozurgeti-Shemokmedi-Bjujhesi-Gomismta highway. The project, which is funded by the state budget, will cost 18.8 million GEL and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

The Benefits of the Road Rehabilitation

The road rehabilitation will improve the safety and comfort of the travelers who want to visit Gomismta, a popular destination for ecotourism and winter sports. Gomismta is located on the northern slope of Meskheti Range, in the gorge of Bzhuzhi river, at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. It offers stunning views of the mountains, forests, and meadows, as well as a healthy climate and fresh air.

According to the Roads Department of Georgia, the road starts in the territory of Bjujhesi and ends in the Gomismta resort. The project will involve the construction of a new asphalt-concrete pavement, drainage systems, retaining walls, and safety barriers. The road will also be widened and equipped with road signs and markings.

The road rehabilitation will not only facilitate the movement of tourists and visitors, but also create new opportunities for the local population and businesses. The improved road infrastructure will stimulate the development of the hospitality and service sectors, as well as the agricultural and handicraft industries. The road will also enhance the connectivity and integration of the region with the rest of the country.

Gomismta Resort Gets a New Road to Boost Tourism

The History and Potential of Gomismta

Gomismta has a long and rich history as a mountain resort. According to a local legend, the place was discovered by a shepherd who brought his daughter who suffered from incurable hay fever, and she quickly healed. The health benefits of the area were also recognized by the scientists and doctors in the early 20th century, who praised the climatic characteristics of Gomismta.

During the Soviet era, Gomismta was a popular destination for thousands of visitors every year, who enjoyed the natural beauty and the recreational facilities. The resort had about 500 cottages, a hotel, a restaurant, a cinema, a library, and a sports complex. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the resort fell into disrepair and neglect, and the number of tourists declined significantly.

In recent years, however, there has been a renewed interest and investment in Gomismta, as part of the government’s strategy to promote the mountainous regions of Georgia as attractive destinations for domestic and international tourists. The road rehabilitation is one of the key projects that aim to revive and develop the resort, along with the renovation of the existing infrastructure and the construction of new facilities.

Gomismta has a great potential to become a leading resort in Georgia, as it offers a variety of activities and attractions for different seasons and preferences. In winter, Gomismta is ideal for skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and snowshoeing. In summer, Gomismta is perfect for hiking, biking, camping, and horse riding. Gomismta is also a place for cultural and historical exploration, as it is close to the ancient monastery of Shemokmedi and the medieval fortress of Bjujhesi.

The Challenges and Opportunities of the Road Rehabilitation

The road rehabilitation project is not without challenges and risks, however. The project requires careful planning and execution, as it involves working in a difficult terrain and weather conditions. The project also needs to ensure the environmental and social sustainability of the road, as well as the compliance with the relevant standards and regulations.

The project also poses some opportunities and challenges for the local community and the stakeholders. The project will create new jobs and income for the people who will be involved in the construction and maintenance of the road, as well as the provision of goods and services for the workers and the tourists. The project will also require the active participation and cooperation of the local authorities, the private sector, the civil society, and the media, to ensure the transparency and accountability of the project, as well as the promotion and protection of the interests and rights of the local population and the environment.

The road rehabilitation project is a significant step towards the development of Gomismta as a mountain resort, but it is not the only one. The project needs to be complemented by other measures and initiatives that will enhance the quality and diversity of the tourism products and services, as well as the capacity and competitiveness of the tourism industry. The project also needs to be integrated with the broader regional and national development plans and policies, to ensure the balanced and inclusive growth of the area.

The road rehabilitation project is a great opportunity for Gomismta to reclaim its status and potential as a mountain resort, and to contribute to the economic and social development of Guria and Georgia. The project will not only improve the road infrastructure, but also the lives and livelihoods of the people who live and work in Gomismta, and the experiences and memories of the people who visit and enjoy Gomismta.

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