Business News

Georgia and Italy Strengthen Cooperation in Agriculture and Food Industry

A Joint Event to Promote Trade and Innovation

On February 28, 2024, a joint event titled “Georgia and Italy together for a better food industry” was held at the Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metekhi Palace Hotel. The event was organized by the Italian Foreign Trade Promotion Agency (ICE-ITA) in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Georgia, the Italian association Assofoodtec/ANIMA Confindustria and FederUNACOMA and the Georgian Employers’ Association (GEA). The event aimed to strengthen trade and economic relations, share ideas and experience, promote Italian innovations and establish new business connections in the fields of agriculture and food industry.

The event was opened by Italian Ambassador to Georgia Massimiliano D’Antuono, Director of ITA’s Georgian Representation Andrea Makaniko and GEA President Elguja Meladze. The event was attended by representatives of Georgian state agencies, international financial institutions (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Asian Development Bank) and local companies working in the fields of agriculture and food industry.

Italian Companies Showcase Their Products and Services

Italy, which actively cooperates with Georgia in these fields, was represented at the event by the largest Italian companies that produce agricultural and forestry machinery, garden equipment and devices, necessary for the production of dairy products and sweets, as well as high-tech packaging equipment for the food industry. The Italian companies showcased their products and services, highlighting their quality, efficiency and sustainability. They also expressed their interest in exploring the Georgian market and finding potential partners and customers.

Georgia and Italy Strengthen Cooperation in Agriculture and Food Industry

The event included presentations and meetings of Georgian and Italian business associations in the “B2B” format, where the participants had the opportunity to exchange information, discuss opportunities and challenges, and establish contacts for future cooperation.

Georgia and Italy Share Common Goals and Values

The organizers and speakers of the event emphasized the importance of the bilateral relations between Georgia and Italy, especially in the context of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), which provide a favorable framework for trade and investment. They also highlighted the common goals and values that Georgia and Italy share, such as democracy, human rights, cultural diversity and environmental protection.

The event was part of a series of initiatives that ICE-ITA and the Italian Embassy in Georgia have been implementing to support the development of the Georgian economy and society, and to foster the bilateral cooperation and friendship between the two countries.

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