
Dream” Rejects Visa-Free Proposal with the US, Favors “Russian Law

The ruling party in Georgia, “Georgian Dream,” has responded to a draft law proposed in the US Congress. The draft law promises comprehensive economic and security support for Georgia, along with visa regime liberalization, provided that the Georgian government abandons its anti-Western rhetoric and addresses human rights concerns. However, “Georgian Dream” considers this proposal uncertain and prefers to uphold the controversial “Russian law.”

The Draft Law and Its Implications


The draft law, which has not yet been adopted in the US, aims to strengthen Georgia’s ties with America. However, “Georgian Dream” argues that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have twice attempted to organize revolutions in Georgia since 2020. They justify the need for the “Russian law,” which mirrors Russia’s restrictive legislation affecting media and human rights organizations.

Georgian Dream party logo

Sanctions and Diplomacy

  1. Insulting Blackmail: The ruling party views the draft law’s inclusion of sanctions as “insulting blackmail.” They emphasize that Georgia’s sovereignty cannot be traded under any circumstances.
  2. Georgian-American Relations: “Georgian Dream” calls for respectful dialogue rather than vague promises. They believe that the US should grant visa liberalization and sign a free trade agreement without conditions.

The Delicate Balance

While the draft law seeks to strengthen Georgia’s position, the ruling party remains cautious. They assert that a dignified approach from the US would have expressed strategic partnership more effectively. As discussions continue, the delicate balance between sovereignty, diplomacy, and international relations remains a challenge.

As Georgia navigates its path, the adoption of the “Russian law” reflects the country’s complex geopolitical context. The upcoming decisions will shape not only Georgia’s relations with the US but also its identity as a nation seeking integration and sovereignty.

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