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How Tech Leaders Are Innovating Their Organizations In 2023

The tech industry is constantly evolving and innovating, and tech leaders need to keep up with the latest trends and challenges. In this article, we will explore how 20 tech leaders from Forbes Technology Council are introducing smart innovations to their organizations’ culture, processes and practices, and why they are proud of their achievements.

Embracing A Customer-Centric And Employee-First Culture

One of the most common themes among the tech leaders is the importance of creating a culture that focuses on the customer and the employee. Jim Barkdoll, CEO of Axiomatics, says that embracing a culture of “for the customer” has propelled his organization forward, as it helps them understand how their work makes life better for their customers. He also says that they have created an “employee-first” culture, where every person understands how critical they are to their success, even in their global, remote workforce.

Similarly, Dax Grant, CEO of Global Transform, says that he wanted to ensure they had solid internal communication channels, and that they have been conducting regular all-hands and ad hoc meetings to allow everyone to express opinions, ask questions and be aware of the progress of their programs and their context within their industry.

How Tech Leaders Are Innovating Their Organizations In 2023

Adopting Agile Methods And Data-Driven Decision Making

Another common theme among the tech leaders is the adoption of agile methods and data-driven decision making. Bhushan Parikh, CEO of Get Digital Velocity, says that he drove their adoption of agile methods, and that they changed the methodology for every new project. He says that this has changed the way their IT and business teams work together, and that the business has become more connected to each project and program.

On the other hand, David Karandish, founder and CEO of Capacity, says that he introduced a data-driven decision-making framework called “The Capacity Way”, which consists of four steps: define the problem, measure the current state, analyze the data and improve the process. He says that this framework has helped them optimize their operations, increase their efficiency and deliver better results for their customers.

Leveraging AI And ChatGPT Technology For Innovation

A third common theme among the tech leaders is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT technology for innovation. ChatGPT is a sophisticated language model that can generate natural language responses based on a given input. Tech leaders are using this technology to enhance their customer experiences, decision making and strategic planning.

For example, Dax Grant says that AI-powered chatbots, bolstered by ChatGPT technology, can engage with customers in natural language, offering real-time assistance, answering queries and even providing personalized recommendations. He says that this level of interaction not only improves customer satisfaction but also opens new avenues for businesses to understand their customers on a deeper level.

Similarly, Bhushan Parikh says that AI and ChatGPT technology can analyze vast amounts of data in real time, extracting insights that human analysis might overlook. He says that strategic planning becomes more accurate, adaptive and efficient, allowing businesses to pivot and seize opportunities with greater agility.

Other Notable Innovations By Tech Leaders

The tech leaders also shared some other notable innovations that they have introduced to their organizations. Here are some examples:

  • Michael Ringman, CIO of TELUS International, says that he implemented a cloud-based platform called TELUS International Central (TIC), which enables them to manage their global operations from a single dashboard. He says that TIC has improved their visibility, collaboration and productivity across their teams and locations.
  • Ravi Kurani, president of Sutro Connect Inc., says that he developed a smart water monitoring system that uses AI and machine learning to provide real-time insights into water quality and health. He says that this system has helped them reduce water waste, improve water safety and optimize water treatment processes.
  • Ramesh Nair, CEO of MothersonSumi INfotech & Designs Ltd., says that he launched a digital transformation initiative called MIND 2.0, which aims to enhance their customer experience, operational excellence and innovation capabilities. He says that MIND 2.0 has helped them streamline their workflows, automate their tasks and accelerate their growth.

These are just some of the examples of how tech leaders are innovating their organizations in 2023. By introducing smart innovations to their culture, processes and practices, they are not only improving their own performance but also creating value for their customers, employees and stakeholders.

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