
NDI Launches Pre-election Assessment Mission in Georgia

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has started its Pre-election Assessment Mission (PEAM) in Georgia, ahead of the 2024 parliamentary elections. The mission will evaluate the electoral environment and offer recommendations to improve the integrity and credibility of the democratic process.

What is the PEAM?

The PEAM is a series of high-level meetings with various electoral stakeholders, including party representatives, government officials, civil society, media, and the international community. The mission will last from February 19 to February 23, and will cover topics such as:

  • The election administration and the legal framework
  • The citizen participation and the gender and inclusion issues
  • The information environment and the political parties and campaigning

The PEAM is the first phase of NDI’s broader observation, which will also include a second PEAM, long-term analysis, and an election day delegation. The delegation will issue a statement of findings and recommendations after completing its analysis.

NDI Launches Pre-election Assessment Mission in Georgia

Why is the PEAM important?

The PEAM aims to demonstrate support for Georgia’s democratic development and the public’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration. It also seeks to provide constructive feedback to ensure adherence to the principles of genuine democratic elections and political processes.

Georgia has been undergoing a complex political transition since the 2020 parliamentary elections, which were marred by allegations of fraud and irregularities. The opposition parties boycotted the parliament and demanded new elections, while the ruling Georgian Dream party refused to concede any ground. The political crisis was only resolved in April 2021, after a EU-mediated agreement that included electoral and judicial reforms.

The 2024 parliamentary elections will be a crucial test for Georgia’s democracy and stability, as well as its relations with its Western partners. The PEAM will help to identify the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the electoral system and the public confidence in the process.

Who are the PEAM delegates?

The PEAM delegation consists of experienced international experts and observers, who have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of democracy and elections. The delegation is led by:

  • Laura Thornton, NDI’s Senior Director for Global Programs and former Resident Director in Georgia
  • David Kramer, Senior Fellow at the Florida International University’s Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs and former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
  • Peter Osusky, Member of Parliament of Slovakia and Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
  • Marietje Schaake, International Policy Director at Stanford University’s Cyber Policy Center and former Member of the European Parliament

The delegation is supported by NDI’s staff in Georgia and Washington, DC.

How is the PEAM conducted?

The PEAM is conducted in accordance with Georgian law and the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation. The mission adheres to the highest standards of impartiality, professionalism, and respect for the sovereignty of Georgia.

The mission is made possible with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS).

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