
Georgian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Attend Funeral of Late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilia Darchiashvili, traveled to the Islamic Republic of Iran to participate in the funeral ceremony of President Ebrahim Raisi. The tragic event occurred after President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian lost their lives in a helicopter crash on May 19. The Georgian government expressed its condolences to the Iranian people during this difficult time.

Ebrahim Raisi: A Controversial Figure


Ebrahim Raisi assumed the presidency of Iran in 2021, a position that brought with it increased repression against citizens. His tenure was marked by brutal crackdowns on youth protests, resulting in the loss of many young lives. Despite international sanctions and an outdated aviation system, Iran continues to face challenges.

Ebrahim Raisi funeral ceremony

Funeral Ceremony

  • Delegations from approximately 10 countries, including heads of state, attended the funeral ceremony.
  • Notable attendees included the presidents of Tunisia and Tajikistan, the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim, and the Prime Minister of Iraq Muhammad Shia Al Sudan.
  • Chairman of the Russian Duma, Vyacheslav Volodyn, also paid his respects in Iran.
  • Leaders of terrorist groups, such as Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and Naim Qassem of Hezbollah, were present, chanting slogans like “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

The Global Response

The funeral of President Ebrahim Raisi brought together leaders from various nations, reflecting the significance of his presidency. As the world mourns his loss, questions arise about the future of Iran and its relations with other countries. The funeral serves as a somber reminder of the complexities of international politics and the impact of leadership transitions.

The tragic helicopter crash that claimed the lives of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian has left a void in Iran’s political landscape. As the nation mourns, the global community watches closely, wondering how this loss will shape Iran’s trajectory. Our thoughts are with the Iranian people during this challenging time.

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