Business News

Kyrgyzstan Becomes One of Georgia’s Top Export Partners

A Remarkable Growth in Trade Relations

Georgia and Kyrgyzstan have seen a significant increase in their bilateral trade in 2023, according to the data released by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat). The value of goods sold in Kyrgyzstan among the largest export partners of Georgia increased by 642% (695.6 million dollars), making the Central Asian country the fourth largest export destination for Georgia with a share of 11.4%.

This remarkable growth in trade relations is mainly attributed to the export of gold and other precious metals and stones from Georgia to Kyrgyzstan, which accounted for 34% of the total exports. Georgia is one of the leading producers of gold in the region, with several mines operating in the country. Kyrgyzstan, on the other hand, is a major consumer of gold, as it uses the metal as a reserve asset and a means of payment.

A Strategic Partnership Based on Mutual Interests

The trade ties between Georgia and Kyrgyzstan are not only based on economic interests, but also on strategic and political cooperation. Both countries are members of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM), which aims to promote regional integration and security in the post-Soviet space. They also share a common vision of Euro-Atlantic integration and support each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Kyrgyzstan Becomes One of Georgia’s Top Export Partners

In 2023, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on enhancing cooperation in various fields, such as trade, investment, tourism, culture, education, and science. The two countries also agreed to facilitate visa procedures for their citizens and to establish direct flights between Tbilisi and Bishkek. These initiatives are expected to further boost the bilateral relations and create new opportunities for business and people-to-people contacts.

A Potential Model for Regional Cooperation

The success story of Georgia and Kyrgyzstan’s trade partnership can serve as a potential model for regional cooperation in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Both regions face similar challenges and opportunities in terms of economic development, security, and integration. By fostering closer ties and mutual trust, they can benefit from the complementarity of their markets, resources, and potentials.

Georgia, as a gateway to Europe and a leader of reforms in the region, can offer its experience and expertise to its Central Asian partners. Kyrgyzstan, as a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and a promoter of democracy and human rights, can act as a bridge between Georgia and other EAEU countries. Together, they can contribute to the stability and prosperity of their regions and beyond.

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