Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) is one of the 19 recipients of the Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant, a federal program that aims to improve and modernize career and technical education (CTE) in the U.S. The grant will help CCPS implement career-connected learning strategies and activities for its students, aligning their skills with the labor market needs.
What is the Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant?
The Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant is a competitive grant program authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins V). The purpose of the grant is to identify, support, and rigorously evaluate evidence-based and innovative strategies and activities to improve and modernize CTE and ensure workforce skills taught in CTE programs align with labor market needs.
The grant program was launched in 2019 and has awarded a total of $28 million to 29 projects across the country. The projects focus on various themes, such as career-connected high schools, work-based learning, industry-recognized credentials, and STEM education.
How will CCPS use the grant?
CCPS was awarded $1.5 million for its project, “Career Pathways for All: A Comprehensive Model for Career-Connected Learning in Clayton County Public Schools.” The project will address and build upon each of the four keys to career-connected learning, which are:
- Personalized career exploration and planning. The project will help students develop individualized postsecondary education and career plans and supports for all high school students aligned to student aspirations and available high value jobs in the region.
- Rigorous and relevant learning in the classroom. The project will enhance the quality and relevance of CTE programs and courses by aligning them with industry standards and expectations, integrating academic and technical content, and providing professional development for teachers.
- Work-based learning in the field. The project will expand and diversify work-based learning opportunities for students, such as internships, apprenticeships, job shadowing, and mentorship, by partnering with local employers and community organizations.
- Cross-sector collaboration and coordination. The project will establish and strengthen cross-sector partnerships and coordination among CCPS, postsecondary institutions, employers, workforce development agencies, and other stakeholders to support career-connected learning for students.
What are the expected outcomes and impacts of the project?
The project aims to achieve the following outcomes and impacts for CCPS students and the community:
- Increased student engagement and achievement. The project expects to increase student enrollment, retention, and completion in CTE programs and courses, as well as student attainment of industry-recognized credentials, dual enrollment credits, and high school diplomas.
- Improved student readiness and access to postsecondary education and careers. The project expects to improve student knowledge, skills, and competencies for postsecondary education and careers, as well as student access to and awareness of postsecondary and career options and pathways.
- Enhanced economic and social mobility for students and families. The project expects to enhance the economic and social mobility of students and families by preparing them for high-demand, high-wage, and high-skill careers in the region and beyond.
- Strengthened regional workforce and economic development. The project expects to strengthen the regional workforce and economic development by meeting the current and future needs of employers and industries, as well as fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
How does CCPS plan to evaluate and disseminate the project?
CCPS will work with an external evaluator to conduct a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of the project, using both quantitative and qualitative methods and data. The evaluation will measure the implementation, outcomes, and impacts of the project, as well as identify the best practices, challenges, and lessons learned.
CCPS will also disseminate the project results and findings to various audiences and stakeholders, such as other school districts, CTE practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and the public. The dissemination activities will include webinars, publications, presentations, and media outreach.
CCPS is excited and grateful for the opportunity to receive the Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant and to implement the project. CCPS believes that the project will make a positive difference in the lives of its students and the community, and will contribute to the advancement of CTE and career-connected learning in the nation.