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Tech leaders meet with US senators to discuss AI regulation

Schumer hosts bipartisan forum on AI

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer convened a closed-door gathering of leading tech CEOs and experts on Wednesday to discuss the priorities and risks of artificial intelligence and how it should be regulated. The event, dubbed the “AI Insight Forum”, was attended by more than 60 US senators and some of the biggest names in tech, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Schumer said the forum was “a conversation never before seen in Congress” and that he hoped to craft comprehensive legislation governing the fast-moving AI sector in what he described as an unprecedented congressional effort. He said that with AI, “we can’t be like ostriches sticking our heads in the sand” and that the US must lead the world in developing and deploying ethical and responsible AI.

Musk calls for AI referee

One of the most outspoken voices at the forum was Elon Musk, who has repeatedly warned about the existential threat of artificial intelligence and the need for urgent regulation. Musk called for the creation of an AI referee, a neutral entity that would monitor and enforce rules for AI development and use. He said that without such a referee, there would be a race to the bottom among AI developers, who would prioritize speed and power over safety and ethics.

Tech leaders meet with US senators to discuss AI regulation

Musk also criticized the lack of transparency and accountability in the AI industry, especially among companies like Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook) and Google, which he accused of having a monopoly on data and influence. He said that these companies should be subject to more scrutiny and oversight, and that their AI systems should be audited by independent experts.

Zuckerberg defends Meta’s AI vision

Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended his company’s vision of building a metaverse, a virtual reality platform that would connect billions of people and devices. He said that the metaverse would be a positive force for social good, enabling new forms of communication, education, entertainment, and commerce. He also said that Meta was committed to ensuring the privacy, security, and integrity of its users and their data.

Zuckerberg acknowledged that the metaverse would pose new challenges and opportunities for AI regulation, but he argued that existing laws and frameworks could be adapted to address them. He said that Meta was willing to work with lawmakers and regulators to create a balanced and innovation-friendly environment for AI development and use.

Pichai highlights Google’s AI achievements

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai highlighted Google’s achievements in artificial intelligence, such as its breakthroughs in natural language processing, computer vision, health care, and quantum computing. He said that Google was using AI to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change, pandemic response, and education. He also said that Google was investing in AI research and education, as well as supporting the development of open-source tools and platforms for AI.

Pichai also emphasized Google’s principles and practices for responsible AI, which include fairness, privacy, security, accountability, and social benefit. He said that Google was following these principles in designing and deploying its AI products and services, and that it was engaging with diverse stakeholders and experts to ensure ethical and trustworthy AI.

Gates urges collaboration on AI

Microsoft founder Bill Gates urged the participants of the forum to collaborate on advancing artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity. He said that AI had enormous potential to improve lives and societies, but also posed significant challenges and risks that required collective action. He said that collaboration was needed not only among tech companies and governments, but also among researchers, educators, civil society groups, and international organizations.

Gates also stressed the importance of investing in AI research and development, as well as in education and skills training for the future workforce. He said that the US should maintain its global leadership in AI innovation, but also cooperate with other countries to promote common standards and norms for AI governance.

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