
PMCG Hosts Conference on Critical Infrastructure Security

On March 26, PMCG hosted a conference titled “Advancing Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Policy inGeorgia.” The event brought together stakeholders from academia, businesses, government, and field experts to discuss the latest trends in critical infrastructure security and resilience (CISR) policy.

Policy Paper Presentation

The conference began with Aleksi Aleksishvili, CEO and Chairman of PMCG, delivering welcome remarks. Following this, Alessandro Lazari (Researcher and Fellow in Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience at the University of Salento) and Nana Tabagua (Rule of Law and Security Policy Consultant at PMCG) presented their policy paper: “Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience in Georgia: State of Play and Future Prospects.” This paper offers analysis, comparative insights, and forward-looking recommendations to enhance Georgia’s CISR.

Critical infrastructure security conference

Global Insights Panel Discussion

In the afternoon, a panel discussion titled “The Imperative of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience and Global Insights” took place.

Moderated by Lazari, the panel featured Josefine Kühnel Alba (Political Officer of the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia), Giorgi Iashvili (Senior Cyber Security Expert at PMCG), Shorena Lortkipanidze (Co-founder and Board Member of Civil Council on Defense and Security), Mikheil Golijashvili (Assistant Professor at the Business and Technology University), and Nikoloz Gagnidze (Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity Advisor, USAID National Governance Program). They discussed CISR on a global scale.

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