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MEP Rihards Kols on Holding Russia Accountable and Maturing Georgia’s Politics

In a recent interview, MEP Rihards Kols emphasized the importance of holding Russia accountable for its actions and the need for Georgia to mature its political landscape. Speaking at the Tbilisi International Conference, Kols, a Latvian politician and member of the European Parliament, discussed the challenges and responsibilities facing both Russia and Georgia. His insights shed light on the complexities of international relations and the steps necessary for political progress in Georgia.

The Imperative of Accountability

Rihards Kols highlighted the critical need to hold Russia accountable for its actions on the international stage. He drew parallels between historical events and current geopolitical dynamics, stressing that impunity should not be allowed to prevail. Kols pointed out that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued numerous arrest warrants since its inception, yet many remain unexecuted. This, he argued, underscores the importance of persistent efforts to ensure justice.

Kols emphasized that accountability is not just a legal obligation but a moral duty. He referenced the ongoing trials of Nazi collaborators as an example of how justice can be pursued, regardless of the time elapsed. According to Kols, Russia’s history of aggression and impunity must be addressed to prevent further atrocities. He believes that holding Russian leaders and soldiers accountable is essential for global stability and peace.

mep rihards kols georgia

The MEP also discussed the broader implications of accountability for international relations. He argued that without accountability, aggressive actions by states like Russia could embolden others, leading to a more unstable and dangerous world. Kols called for a unified international response to ensure that justice is served and future conflicts are prevented.

Maturing Georgia’s Political Landscape

In addition to discussing Russia, Kols addressed the need for political maturity in Georgia. He acknowledged the progress Georgia has made but stressed that more needs to be done to strengthen its democratic institutions. Kols highlighted the importance of political stability and the rule of law in fostering a healthy political environment.

Kols urged Georgian politicians to focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. He emphasized the need for political leaders to work together for the common good, setting aside personal and partisan interests. According to Kols, this collaborative approach is crucial for building a resilient and prosperous nation.

The MEP also pointed out the role of civil society in maturing Georgia’s politics. He encouraged active participation from citizens and non-governmental organizations in the political process. Kols believes that a vibrant civil society can hold leaders accountable and ensure that the government remains responsive to the needs of the people.

The Path Forward

Looking ahead, Kols outlined several steps that Georgia can take to continue its political development. He stressed the importance of judicial reforms to ensure an independent and impartial judiciary. Kols also called for greater transparency in government operations to build public trust and confidence in political institutions.

Kols highlighted the significance of education in fostering political maturity. He argued that educating the younger generation about democratic values and civic responsibilities is essential for the long-term stability of the country. By investing in education, Georgia can cultivate informed and engaged citizens who are capable of contributing to the nation’s progress.

Finally, Kols emphasized the importance of international cooperation in supporting Georgia’s political development. He called on the European Union and other international partners to continue their support for Georgia’s democratic reforms. Kols believes that with the right support and commitment, Georgia can achieve its goal of becoming a stable and prosperous democracy.

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