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MEP’s Warning: Georgian Dream’s Strategy Could Lead to Election Defeat

The recent statements by Czech MEP Marketa Gregorova have sparked significant debate in Georgia. Gregorova, a member of the Greens/European Free Alliance, criticized the ruling party, Georgian Dream, for its pre-election strategy. She argued that the party’s plan to ban opposition parties if it gains a constitutional majority is undemocratic and could lead to its downfall in the upcoming elections. This strategy, she believes, not only undermines democratic principles but also risks isolating Georgia from the European Union.

Democratic Principles at Stake

Marketa Gregorova emphasized that banning opposition parties is fundamentally against democratic values. She pointed out that such actions are akin to state capture, where the ruling party consolidates power by eliminating political competition. This move, according to Gregorova, would be detrimental to Georgia’s democratic development. She warned that the European Union might impose sanctions similar to those on Belarus if Georgia continues on this path.

The MEP highlighted that the EU has various levers to influence member states and candidates. Although individual sanctions are currently not in place, she noted that some EU member states, including the US, might push for their implementation. Gregorova’s comments came during the 8th Tbilisi International Conference, where she stressed the importance of fair and free elections in Georgia.

georgian dream election strategy politics

Georgian Dream’s Controversial Strategy

Georgian Dream’s pre-election promise to ban almost all opposition parties has raised eyebrows both domestically and internationally. Recent polls indicate that several opposition parties have a chance to enter the next parliament, making the ruling party’s strategy even more contentious. Gregorova argued that in a normal democracy, no party would openly declare its intention to dismantle democratic institutions and expect to win elections.

The MEP suggested that Georgian Dream’s strategy might be based on the assumption that Russia will win the war in Ukraine. She believes that the party hopes to align itself with a victorious Russia, which could explain its undemocratic stance. However, Gregorova firmly stated that the EU would not allow this, emphasizing that Ukraine must win the war to uphold democratic values in the region.

Potential Consequences for Georgia

If Georgian Dream continues with its current strategy, the consequences for Georgia could be severe. Gregorova warned that the EU might halt discussions on Georgia’s accession and impose sanctions. This would isolate Georgia from the European community and hinder its progress towards integration. The MEP’s remarks underscore the critical juncture at which Georgia finds itself, with its democratic future hanging in the balance.

The international community is closely watching Georgia’s political developments. The upcoming elections will be a litmus test for the country’s commitment to democratic principles. Gregorova’s warning serves as a stark reminder of the potential repercussions of undemocratic actions. As Georgia navigates this challenging period, the importance of upholding democratic values cannot be overstated.

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