Business News

Georgia Invests in Road Infrastructure to Boost Economy and Tourism

Georgia is planning to spend more than 1 billion GEL on the construction and rehabilitation of several road sections across the country, aiming to improve its connectivity, trade, and tourism potential.

Tbilisi-Sagarejo Road to be Completed by 2023

One of the major projects that the Georgian government is implementing is the construction of a new 35 km Tbilisi-Sagarejo Road, which will connect the capital city with the eastern region of Kakheti, known for its wine production and cultural heritage. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank, and is expected to be completed by 2023.

The new road will reduce the travel time from Tbilisi to Sagarejo from 50 minutes to 30 minutes, and will also improve the safety and comfort of the drivers and passengers. The road will have four lanes, two in each direction, and will be equipped with modern infrastructure, such as bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, and service areas.

The Tbilisi-Sagarejo Road is part of the wider East-West Highway Corridor, which is a strategic route that links Georgia with its neighboring countries, such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey. The corridor is also part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), which aims to integrate the transport systems of the European Union and its partner countries.

Georgia Invests in Road Infrastructure to Boost Economy and Tourism

Bakurtsikhe-Tsnori Road to Boost Tourism and Agriculture

Another important road project that the Georgian government is working on is the rehabilitation of the 16.6 km Bakurtsikhe-Tsnori Road, which will connect the towns of Bakurtsikhe and Tsnori in the Kakheti region. The project is funded by the World Bank and the Government of Georgia, and is expected to be finished by 2022.

The Bakurtsikhe-Tsnori Road will improve the access to the tourist attractions and agricultural areas in the region, such as the Nekresi Monastery, the Gremi Fortress, and the Alazani Valley. The road will also facilitate the transportation of the local products, such as wine, fruits, and vegetables, to the domestic and international markets.

The Bakurtsikhe-Tsnori Road is part of the Secondary and Local Roads Development Project, which aims to upgrade the quality and performance of about 1,600 km of roads across Georgia. The project also supports the institutional strengthening and capacity building of the road sector agencies, such as the Roads Department and the Municipal Development Fund.

Other Road Projects to Enhance Regional Development

In addition to the Tbilisi-Sagarejo and Bakurtsikhe-Tsnori Roads, the Georgian government is also implementing several other road projects that will enhance the regional development and integration of the country. Some of these projects are:

  • The construction of the 15 km Gurjaani Road, which will link the town of Gurjaani with the East-West Highway Corridor. The project is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Government of Georgia, and is expected to be completed by 2021.
  • The rehabilitation of the 14.7 km Khashuri Bypass Road, which will divert the traffic from the town of Khashuri and reduce the congestion and pollution. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Georgia, and is expected to be completed by 2022.
  • The construction of the 14.3 km Batumi Bypass Road, which will connect the port city of Batumi with the Black Sea Highway. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Georgia, and is expected to be completed by 2023.

The Georgian government is committed to investing in its road infrastructure, as it considers it a key factor for the economic and social development of the country. By improving the connectivity, trade, and tourism potential of the regions, the government hopes to create more opportunities and benefits for the people and businesses of Georgia.

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