
Venice Commission Urges Georgia to Reconsider Anti-LGBT Propaganda Law

In a recent development, the Venice Commission—an advisory body of the Council of Europe—has expressed its concerns regarding Georgia’s proposed constitutional law titled “On Family Values and Protection of Minors.

Background and Context

The legislative initiative aims to amend Georgia’s Constitution, addressing sensitive issues related to family values and the LGBTI community. However, the timing of this proposal—amidst prolonged protests and heightened political tensions—raises significant questions.

LGBT rights protest

Venice Commission’s Recommendations

Review and Reconsider: The Venice Commission recommends that Georgia thoroughly review the proposed legislative initiative. The current text lacks alignment with European and international standards, and adopting it could exacerbate a hostile and stigmatizing environment against the LGBTI community.

Comprehensive Impact Analysis: Before proceeding with any amendments, the Commission advises conducting a detailed analysis of their impact on the national system. This analysis should involve representatives from various sectors, including sexual and gender minorities, legal experts, health professionals, educators, and social care specialists.

The Venice Commission emphasizes the need for unbiased consultation and assessment. It encourages Georgia to prioritize human rights and inclusivity while navigating this complex issue.

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