
George Gamez Inspires Street Art Enthusiasts at Tbilisi Open Air/AlterVision

Graffiti Techniques Unleashed

In a vibrant celebration of creativity, renowned artist George Gamez recently shared his graffiti techniques with young street art enthusiasts at Tbilisi Open Air/AlterVision. The event, supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Norway, unfolded against the backdrop of the Liberty Wall at Human Rights Corner.

Street art graffiti

The Intersection of Art and Fundamental Values

Human Rights and Diversity took center stage as Gamez demonstrated his craft. The Liberty Wall, adorned with colorful expressions, symbolized the intersection of artistic freedom and fundamental values. Through spray cans and stencils, Gamez empowered the next generation of street artists, fostering a sense of belonging and expression.

A Canvas for Change

As the sun set over Tbilisi, the Liberty Wall stood as a testament to the power of art. Gamez’s techniques transcended mere aesthetics—they became a canvas for change, amplifying voices and sparking conversations. In a world where walls often divide, this collaboration united through creativity.

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