The Art of War is an ancient Chinese text that offers timeless wisdom on military strategy and tactics. But did you know that you can also apply its principles to your business and entrepreneurship? Whether you are facing a fierce competition, launching a new product, or negotiating a deal, you can learn from the insights of Sun Tzu, the legendary author of The Art of War. Here are five ChatGPT prompts to help you apply The Art of War to your business.
Know Yourself and Your Enemy
Sun Tzu said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” This means that you should understand your own strengths, weaknesses, resources, and capabilities, as well as those of your competitors. By doing so, you can avoid being caught off guard and make better decisions.
To help you know yourself and your enemy better, use this ChatGPT prompt:
“Help me analyze my company’s SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved]. If a customer is really happy it’s likely because [explain your strengths in serving clients], if we lose a prospect or a customer it’s likely because [explain why someone may go elsewhere]. Compare my company’s SWOT with that of my main competitors and give me some suggestions on how to improve my competitive advantage.”
Choose Your Battles Wisely
Sun Tzu said, “In war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.” This means that you should not waste your time and resources on fighting battles that are not worth it or that you cannot win. Instead, you should focus on finding and exploiting the gaps and weaknesses of your competitors.
To help you choose your battles wisely, use this ChatGPT prompt:
“Help me identify the best opportunities for my company to grow and succeed. My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved]. Analyze the market size, demand, trends, and competition in my industry and niche. Tell me where I can find the blue ocean (untapped market) or the red ocean (highly competitive market) and how I can differentiate myself from my competitors.”
Plan Ahead and Be Flexible
Sun Tzu said, “The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.” This means that you should always have a clear vision, strategy, and plan for your business, but also be ready to adapt to changing circumstances.
To help you plan ahead and be flexible, use this ChatGPT prompt:
“Help me create a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goal for my business. My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved].
Tell me what I want to achieve in the next [time period], why it is important for me and my customers, how I will measure my progress and success, what resources and actions I need to take, and what potential obstacles and risks I may face. Also tell me how I can monitor the external environment and adjust my plan accordingly if needed.”
Use Deception and Surprise
Sun Tzu said, “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” This means that you should not reveal your intentions or plans to your competitors or customers until the right moment. You should also surprise them with unexpected moves or offers that they cannot resist.
To help you use deception and surprise, use this ChatGPT prompt:
“Help me come up with a creative marketing campaign for my new product or service. My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved]. My new product or service is [describe what it does and how it benefits customers]. Tell me how I can create curiosity, intrigue, suspense, or shock among my target audience without revealing too much information. Also tell me how I can deliver a wow factor or a value proposition that they cannot refuse.”
Win Without Fighting
Sun Tzu said, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” This means that you should aim to achieve your goals without resorting to violence or conflict. You should also seek to build alliances and partnerships with others who can help you or benefit from your success.
To help you win without fighting, use this ChatGPT prompt:
“Help me find and connect with potential partners or collaborators for my business. My company does [describe your company’s purpose] for [describe your ideal customer] and we have been [explain how long you’ve been running and any milestones you have achieved]. Tell me who are the influencers, experts, leaders, or organizations in my industry or niche that share my vision, values, or interests. Also tell me how I can reach out to them, what value I can offer them, and what goals we can achieve together.”