
Best Wine for Sleep

Do you enjoy a glass of wine before bed? Do you feel like it helps you to fall asleep faster or improves your quality of sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Many people turn to wine as a way to wind down and get some much-needed rest after a long day.

But, is there really a best wine for sleep? Can the type of wine you drink affect the quality of your sleep? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the relationship between wine and sleep and explore which types of wine may be best for improving your Zzz’s.

Wine and Sleep: The Relationship Explained

Drinking alcohol before bed has been shown to help people fall asleep faster. This is because alcohol is a sedative that may help to calm the brain and induce relaxation. However, while a glass of wine or two may help you to drift off, it can also have negative effects on the quality of your sleep.

According to sleep experts, alcohol can disrupt the normal sleep patterns that your body needs to fully recharge overnight. This can lead to more wake-ups during the night, which can leave you feeling groggy and unrested in the morning.

The Best Wine for Sleep: Red or White?

When it comes to choosing the best wine for sleep, there’s no clear winner. Both red and white wines contain the sleep-inducing compound, melatonin. However, because red wine is fermented longer and contains more tannins, it may cause more disruptions in your sleep than white wine.

White wine, on the other hand, tends to be lower in alcohol content and may be a better option for those looking to enjoy a glass of wine before bed without the negative effects.

Best Wine for Sleep
Best Wine for Sleep

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing a Wine for Sleep

Aside from the type of wine you choose, there are other factors to consider when trying to improve your sleep quality. For example, the time at which you drink your wine may play a role in how well you sleep.

Drinking too late in the evening can disrupt your body’s natural sleep schedule and make it harder to fall asleep. Additionally, the amount of wine you drink can also affect your sleep quality. Experts recommend sticking to one to two glasses and avoiding overindulging at night.

How to Incorporate Wine into Your Sleep Routine

If you enjoy a glass of wine before bed and want to continue to do so while still getting a good night’s rest, there are ways to incorporate wine into your sleep routine without sacrificing quality.

First, try drinking your wine earlier in the evening to give your body enough time to metabolize the alcohol before you go to sleep. Additionally, be sure to stick to one to two glasses and choose a wine with a lower alcohol content to minimize disruptions in your sleep.

  • Stick to one to two glasses
  • Drink wine earlier in the evening
  • Choose a wine with a lower alcohol content

Other Drinks That Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

While wine may be a popular drink choice before bed, it’s not the only option when it comes to improving your sleep quality. Many other beverages can help to calm the brain and body and promote restful sleep.

For example, chamomile tea, warm milk, and tart cherry juice have all been shown to have sleep-inducing properties. Additionally, herbal teas like valerian root and passionflower can also help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

Final Thoughts and Takeaways

While there may not be a clear “best” wine for sleep, there are ways to enjoy a glass of wine before bed without sacrificing the quality of your sleep. By choosing a lower alcohol content wine, drinking earlier in the evening, and sticking to one to two glasses, you can still enjoy the benefits of a nightcap without disrupting your sleep schedule.

Additionally, by incorporating other sleep-inducing beverages like chamomile tea and tart cherry juice into your routine, you can give your body the support it needs to get a good night’s rest.


If you’re someone who enjoys drinking a glass of wine before bed, it’s important to understand the relationship between wine and sleep and how it can affect your rest. While there’s no clear “best” wine for sleep, choosing a lower alcohol content wine, drinking earlier in the evening, and avoiding overindulging can help to minimize disruptions and promote restful sleep.

Additionally, incorporating other sleep-inducing beverages into your routine like chamomile tea and tart cherry juice can further enhance the quality of your sleep and support your body’s natural sleep cycles. With the right approach and a little experimentation, you can find the perfect way to incorporate wine and other beverages into your sleep routine and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning.


1: Is it true that wine can help me sleep better?

Yes, drinking a glass of wine before bed may help you fall asleep faster due to the sedative effects of alcohol. However, it can also have negative effects on the quality of your sleep by disrupting your body’s natural sleep patterns.

2: What type of wine is best for sleep?

There is no clear winner when it comes to choosing the best wine for sleep. Both red and white wines contain the sleep-inducing compound melatonin, but red wine may cause more disruptions in your sleep due to its higher tannin content. A white wine with a lower alcohol content may be a better option for those looking to enjoy a glass of wine before bed without the negative effects.

3: Can drinking too much wine before bed affect my sleep quality?

Yes, overindulging in wine before bed can lead to more disruptions in your sleep and leave you feeling groggy and unrested in the morning. Experts recommend sticking to one to two glasses and avoiding drinking too late in the evening.

4: Are there any other drinks that can help me sleep better besides wine?

Yes, there are many other beverages that can help to calm the brain and body and promote restful sleep. Chamomile tea, warm milk, and tart cherry juice have all been shown to have sleep-inducing properties. Additionally, herbal teas like valerian root and passionflower can also help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

5: Can I still enjoy a glass of wine before bed and get a good night’s rest?

Yes, it is possible to enjoy a glass of wine before bed and still get a good night’s rest. By choosing a lower alcohol content wine, drinking earlier in the evening, and sticking to one to two glasses, you can minimize disruptions and promote restful sleep. Additionally, incorporating other sleep-inducing beverages into your routine can further enhance the quality of your sleep and support your body’s natural sleep cycles.

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