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Underwater rugby players from Timmins make a splash in Boston

A team of underwater rugby enthusiasts from Timmins competed in a tournament in Boston, Massachusetts, last weekend.

The CAMOs, a group of six players who practice at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex pool, joined forces with other underwater rugby players from Montreal and Toronto to form a mixed team. They participated in the Boston Narwhals Invitational, a two-day event that featured seven teams from the United States and Canada.

Underwater rugby is a sport that involves two teams of six players each trying to score goals by placing a ball filled with salt water into a metal basket at the bottom of the pool. The players wear masks, snorkels, fins and water polo caps, and can only hold their breath for as long as they can. The game is fast-paced, physical and challenging, but also fun and rewarding for those who love the water.

The CAMOs showed their skills and spirit in the tournament, placing fifth overall.

The CAMOs faced some tough opponents in the tournament, including the Boston Narwhals, the DC Open team from Washington, D.C., and the New Jersey Hammerheads. They also played against the Colombian National Team, which is preparing for the World Championships in Montreal next year.

Underwater rugby players from Timmins make a splash in Boston

The CAMOs beat the Boston Narwhals and tied against the DC Open team, placing fifth overall out of seven teams, ahead of both DC Open and the Boston Narwhals.

“We placed higher than Washington because we had more overall points at the end of the tournament,” said Bernard, one of the CAMOs players, in a message to The Daily Press.

Bernard said he was proud of his team’s performance and enjoyed playing with other Canadian players.

“It was a great experience to play with Montreal and Toronto. We learned a lot from them and we had a lot of fun,” he said.

The CAMOs are passionate about underwater rugby and hope to grow the sport in Timmins.

The CAMOs started playing underwater rugby in 2019, after Bernard discovered the sport online and decided to give it a try. He invited some of his friends to join him, and they formed a team that practices twice a week at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex pool.

The CAMOs are part of the Underwater Rugby Canada Association, which organizes tournaments and events across the country. They also have connections with other underwater rugby clubs in Ontario and Quebec, and sometimes travel to play with them.

The CAMOs are always looking for new players who are interested in learning and playing underwater rugby. They welcome anyone who is comfortable in the water and willing to try something different.

“We are a friendly group of people who love this sport. We want to share our passion with others and grow the sport in Timmins,” Bernard said.

Anyone who wants to join the CAMOs can contact them through their Facebook page or email them at

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